Let's Get That Tire Cover Looking Sharp! 🔧
Hey Trail Buddy!
1. Installing your new JEEPSKILL cover without a camera hole is easier than spotting a Jeep on the trail! 😉
- Give your spare tire a quick wipe (think of it as a spa day for your Jeep!)
- Find the elastic edge of your cover - it's the stretchier side
- Start at the top and pull the cover over like you're putting a hat on your tire
- Work your way around, stretching the elastic edge over the tire
- Give it a gentle tug here and there until it sits just right
2. Installing your new JEEPSKILL cover with a camera hole. Here's your quick guide:
That's it - you're trail-ready!
If you hit any bumps along the way (the installation kind, not the fun trail kind 😉), just shoot me a message!
- Read more: 4 Common Myths Debunked When build Jeep (P1)